Just our family

Just our family

More like the REAL us

More like the REAL us

Always Laughing

Always Laughing
My photo
I am a wife and mother of three great kids, Sarah, Austin and Annabeth. Mimi to three sweet grandsons, Noah and Hunter, and Dallas. I am a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit of a large inner city hospital. So, sit back and relax, this is the story of our family.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Girls Weekend

Well, I had a very good weekend.....just girls. Mary Nell and I went to a spa resort, spent two nights at the hotel, had a massage, manicure and pedicure. We ate great food including a wonderful grilled chicken salad and chicken marsala with pasta and then breakfast in the room. I spent alot of time reflecting and it was good to just have time alone with my thoughts for a while. We ended the weekend going to Go Girl Art at Buckley's Lunch Box with Robin and Rachel and painted a picture of an apple. It is not as easy as it looks and I am definitely NOT Vincent Van Gogh! But maybe PiKAYso???

It was a very good weekend just for ME. Thank you to my husband and family for putting up with me and allowing me to indulge myself.


1 comment:

  1. I think that is it is very important to do things like that for yourself. Taking good care of yourself it the highest priority so you can be the best person, Mom, Wife, sister, daughter, and friend that you can be.




