Well the baby girl is about to have her 14th birthday. I cannot believe that 14 years ago I was on bed rest with pre-eclampsia at home, just waiting for the arrival of "our little souvenir from Gatlinburg". I had had such a difficult time getting pregnant with Austin, and then she was a little surprise.....make that BIG surprise. But God had a bigger, better plan, and I am so glad He did.
I was scheduled for a C-section August 26th, nurses were coming out to the house to check my blood pressure. The nurse, Cheryl, came by on the morning of August 25th and my blood pressure was up yet again. She made a phone call and before I knew it, I was off to the hospital. Dwayne was at work so he left and headed to the hospital, so Momma took me to Baptist East. The only thing was that momma had just washed and rolled her hair on all of those pretty little colorful rollers. So in we rolled with Barbara's hair up in curlers. We probably looked like the hillbillies, I am sure. Anyway, I had my sweet baby girl later that afternoon.
She was a very colicky baby......VERY COLICKY!!! And she eventually had tubes put in her ears at 3 months of age, so that played a huge part in her crying all of the time. We always said that if she had been our first child, she would have been our last, ha!!! But ever since that time, she has been the quietest, sweetest child. She is very much a people pleaser and never says a word. I guess her lungs and her voice were tired from the first 3 months of her life :o)
Anyway, I am headed out to order a cake for the big 1-4. My how the time has flown.
I love you baby girl!

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