Well, I have continued to have dizziness and shakiness this week, then Wednesday night during prayer meeting, the left side of my head and face went numb. We left church and went straight to the ER. They did a CAT scan immediately to rule out a stroke, then ended up admitting me to the hospital with a blood pressure of 64/33. Over the last three days, I had lots of tests to rule out stroke and heart disease or heart attack. All of those were normal. The only thing that was abnormal was my electrolytes. The Renal doctor said that my kidneys took a "hit" from the drastic difference in my diet and the fact that I don't drink ANY water.
If you know me at all you know that I love diet coke. The only water that passes between these lips is when I brush my teeth. I have always said that I probably won't drink water until I have to go on kidney dialysis. Well, it is not that bad yet, but this is really a wake up call for me.
I may have to try some lemon or sweetner, or crystal light or something and I am not giving up diet coke totally, maybe just in moderation.
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