I am going to a ladies night out tonight at church called "Just Desserts". The pastor's wife is going to be speaking about the sweetness of Jesus. We are all to bring a dessert. I bought the stuff to bring an Angel Food Berry Trifle. Yummy 4 points per serving. I will post the recipe tomorrow :o)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Angel Food Berry Trifle
I am going to a ladies night out tonight at church called "Just Desserts". The pastor's wife is going to be speaking about the sweetness of Jesus. We are all to bring a dessert. I bought the stuff to bring an Angel Food Berry Trifle. Yummy 4 points per serving. I will post the recipe tomorrow :o)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Out of the Hospital and Back in the Saddle
I ate whatever they brought me in the hospital, but I faithfully tracked every single bite. I at least thought about what I was eating. In the process of being in the hospital, I missed my weigh in day. I went today to be weighed, and have now lost a total of 10.8 pounds.
I am glad about that, but, of course, me being the glass half empty kind of girl, now I am thinking about all of the IV fluid I got that went right through me and how this is probably still not a real reflection of my weight loss. Oh well, the numbers are down so that is what matters. I followed the plan, tracked what I ate, and am now on to day 2 of limiting my diet coke intake.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
The Dreaded Water

Well, I have continued to have dizziness and shakiness this week, then Wednesday night during prayer meeting, the left side of my head and face went numb. We left church and went straight to the ER. They did a CAT scan immediately to rule out a stroke, then ended up admitting me to the hospital with a blood pressure of 64/33. Over the last three days, I had lots of tests to rule out stroke and heart disease or heart attack. All of those were normal. The only thing that was abnormal was my electrolytes. The Renal doctor said that my kidneys took a "hit" from the drastic difference in my diet and the fact that I don't drink ANY water.
If you know me at all you know that I love diet coke. The only water that passes between these lips is when I brush my teeth. I have always said that I probably won't drink water until I have to go on kidney dialysis. Well, it is not that bad yet, but this is really a wake up call for me.
I may have to try some lemon or sweetner, or crystal light or something and I am not giving up diet coke totally, maybe just in moderation.
Annabeth's Birthday Cupcakes
I did very well "points-wise" at Annabeth's birthday party. We had cupcakes. I thought it would be good because they are very IN right now and also it would be portion control for me. A piece of cake for me is more like a hunk of cake. I did not eat ice cream, although I did buy the individual containers for portion control there too. I had a large bowl of berries, so I had 1 cupcake and a large serving of berries. It was very nice and I had the will power to resist. Unfortunately, there are left over cupcakes. I am giving them away left and right. Anyone want a cupcake?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
And We're Off!
It has been a very good week. I lost 7 pounds!!! Yea, I'm a Loser! I am trying not to pat myself on the back too much because I realize that you always lose alot the first couple of weeks from excess water and such, but I also need to see the "glass half full" and be proud of the work I have done. It has not been easy. Old habits are hard to break.
My biggest downfall is sweets. A handfull of cookies will usually fix most anything, just ask any little child. Not really, though. It just makes me feel more guilty. This week, I have done well eating lots of fruit and peanut butter (yuk, if you know me), but it has satisfied my sweet tooth.
It is on to week 2, my lunch is packed for work tomorrow and I am ready to go. Just gotta stick with it, plan, go to the grocery, track my intake, and soon I will start the water, but not quite there yet, but it will come. One day at a time.
just kay
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life.....I hope!
Well, today is the day. What can I say??? I have had it with being big. I always say that I wear "party girl size" clothes, but really, I hate it that I have to wear plus sizes. I am embarrassed, I am sure that I embarrass my kids with my size, but mostly, I need to get healthy. I am so out of shape and out of breath, even that is embarrassing. Walking up the hill at work or up the stairs from the cafeteria, I am so short of breath. I am just too young.
I decided that I was the only one that can control my own destiny. I joined Weight Watchers. I need accountability and a community of people to give me tips, encourage me and to talk to. They say not to look at this as a diet, but as a "live it". I like that.
I know that it will be a tough, long road, but what do I have but time, anything is better than nothing. I am hoping that by blogging about it and showing pictures that are not photo-shopped or re-touched, that it will make me work harder.
So, hopefully next week I will be a Loser................just kay
Friday, August 5, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
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