Slowly but surely, it is growing.....ughh!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night
Annabeth got an iPod touch and a Turquoise Zebra print case for it. Not exactly an iPhone, but close enough for her.
Sarah and Austin looked like Twinkies in their Pea Coats.
Hunter was riding his Mickey Mouse Fire Truck
Sunday, December 16, 2012
That ONE picture with Santa
This is the picture that I am sure Noah will keep for ever to show to all of Hunter's potential girlfriends.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
"Oh What A Night"
To say that I am obsessed with Jersey Boys is an understatement. We went three times during their run here at the Orpheum Theater.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Alcoholism is a horrible thing
I had a friend whose wife suffered with an addiction to alcohol. She eventually lost that battle. This was the haunting, heartwrenching song that her son sang at the funeral. So sad.............
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Thankgiving 2012
Granny with me and Rhonda - not many people have their 90 year old Granny around.
Our Family - obviously we had too many cameras going at the same time. Noah would not take off the Mr. Potato Head glasses. That boy!
Annabeth, Austin and Sarah
Jessie and Austin being goofy as always
Sarah with her babies - not a great picture of Noah, but it's like herding cats to get two babies to look the same direction during a picture.
me and my man :O)
Mawmaw Conlee with her grandkids
The Conlee Family
Pawpaw Lanier and Grand Marilyn
Daddy's Girls
Janice and Porgy
Sibling Love - "Stop Touching Me!!!!"
Sarah, Austin and Annabeth with their Great-Granny
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
I am trying to learn the steps to becoming a better me and get away from all of the chaos in my life. The third step is "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God".
His will....not mine.
---- Let Go and Let God. ----
This is not surrender................

Friday, October 19, 2012
The Evolution of My Hair
For anyone who knows me well, you know that I have been "growing my hair" for over a year. I guess I have always grown my hair, but I am trying to grow my hair out. It is quite a painful experience. This collage tells the story of me over the last year and the mess my hair has been. It is still not where I want it to be.....I guess I don't really know where I want it to be or what I want it to look like, but my girls say I look younger with longer hair, so we shall see.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Austin's "Pathetic Picadilly Party"
This is a great picture of our three kids. I can't get over how grown up they all three are. I can remember before they were even born. I am very proud of the adults that they are becoming.
Our kids love their Aunt Jackie (& Charlie). Austin made her a special hat for her Red Hat Society.....complete with an Arkansas Razorback. Soooooo Weeeeee Pig!
Pawpaw Lanier and Grand Marilyn are always there for us. We love you and appreciate you both.
Austin loves his MawMaw Conlee. I am so blessed to have such a sweet spirited mother in law, that helps take care of my kids and help keep my household running smoothly.
We were so excited to see Uncle Howard and Kathy all the way from Arizone. We love you both and miss you guys.
And this big ole teddy bear is my Uncle Porgy (George) and Janice. I love you guys and am so happy at the way you have stepped up to help take care of Granny.
Sarah and her crew with Uncle Howard. I have always said that trying to get a photo with kids and adults all looking in the same direction is like herding cats.
This is Austin and his BFF, Jessie Steele. She is a part of the family. Who else would come with Austin and 25 of his closest relatives to a "Pathetic 18th Birthday Party at Picadilly".
Rhonda and our sweet little Granny.
me and the man.....what can I say?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Peace and Serenity
Rhonda made this for me. It is very special. We have had some rough patches in our relationship over the last 46 years, but through thick and thin, we realize that blood is thicker than water. We love each other and have a tie that binds. As we each try to become better versions of ourselves, we in turn are helping each other to grow in peace and grace and love.
Rhonda, I love you with all of my heart. I am glad you are my sister.
Rhonda, I love you with all of my heart. I am glad you are my sister.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Happy 18th Birthday, Son
I have always said that Austin being so funny, cute and adorable has gotten him out of alot of spankings in his lifetime. I love you Son!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
What a great feeling to cross the Finish Line
I think I can, I think I can
Crossing the finish line. I was tearing up and could not focus on the clock and big guy in red/black was blocking the clock. What I do know is that when I did look at it a couple of minutes later it said 58 minutes, so I know that I came in under 58 minutes. The big thing is that I started, tried and finished it.
I know, I am a hot, sweaty mess, but look at that ribbon!
my first bib and ribbon.
Now, do I mark this off of the bucket list? or do I keep on? The goal is to try to build up stamina and strength and eventually to lose weight. I don't know. For today, I am basking in the accomplishment of having set a goal and completed it. Thank you to all of my facebook friends for the encouragement and love.
Crossing the finish line. I was tearing up and could not focus on the clock and big guy in red/black was blocking the clock. What I do know is that when I did look at it a couple of minutes later it said 58 minutes, so I know that I came in under 58 minutes. The big thing is that I started, tried and finished it.
I know, I am a hot, sweaty mess, but look at that ribbon!
my first bib and ribbon.
Now, do I mark this off of the bucket list? or do I keep on? The goal is to try to build up stamina and strength and eventually to lose weight. I don't know. For today, I am basking in the accomplishment of having set a goal and completed it. Thank you to all of my facebook friends for the encouragement and love.
Today is the day of my first official 5K - the WRWM Graduation
Special thanks to Dwayne for running with me at times, and being an encouragement, telling me I look good, even though my behind is eating my shorts and I have the world's smallest pony tail and I look like a pin head, and lastly, I had to do some Yoga poses to stretch that shirt out enough to get it over my biceps - that is the word for big arm, right???
special thanks to Austin, my biggest fan and encourager. You have been my night time/early morning running buddy and I appreciate you for it. I was so excited that you got up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday to cheer on your momma.
This is sweet little Kat. Her mother was my inspiration to run/walk a 5k. Larisa sent me texts and messages and pictures of encouragement weekly. I missed her today, but she is probably JUST FINE, she is on the beach in Cozumel today.
This is the starting line with 1,200 of my closest friends.
special thanks to Austin, my biggest fan and encourager. You have been my night time/early morning running buddy and I appreciate you for it. I was so excited that you got up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday to cheer on your momma.
This is sweet little Kat. Her mother was my inspiration to run/walk a 5k. Larisa sent me texts and messages and pictures of encouragement weekly. I missed her today, but she is probably JUST FINE, she is on the beach in Cozumel today.
This is the starting line with 1,200 of my closest friends.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Tomorrow is the Big Day - 5K Graduation
After 3 months of training, tomorrow is the big day. I am going to do my first 5K. You notice I did not say run my first 5K, because unfortunately I still walk alot more than run, but I am going to be out there trying and that is what really matters.
Folks have asked me what my goal time is for tomorrow. I say simply that I want to finish. I jokingly say that I don't want to be the one running in front of the truck picking up the cones, but someone has to be last, and if that happens to be me, I will be ok. It will be something that I can laugh about. The important thing is that I got off of my tookus and did something that I am afraid to do. It has been a struggle, but I have gotten stronger. That was the goal of all of this.
I would like to thank my running buddy Larisa, for being a great encouragement to me during these months. She has more faith in my ability than I have in myself. I would not be doing this tomorrow if not for her texts and calls and pep talks. I am going to miss you tomorrow, Larisa, but I know you are having fun on your cruise.
Folks have asked me what my goal time is for tomorrow. I say simply that I want to finish. I jokingly say that I don't want to be the one running in front of the truck picking up the cones, but someone has to be last, and if that happens to be me, I will be ok. It will be something that I can laugh about. The important thing is that I got off of my tookus and did something that I am afraid to do. It has been a struggle, but I have gotten stronger. That was the goal of all of this.
I would like to thank my running buddy Larisa, for being a great encouragement to me during these months. She has more faith in my ability than I have in myself. I would not be doing this tomorrow if not for her texts and calls and pep talks. I am going to miss you tomorrow, Larisa, but I know you are having fun on your cruise.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
I went over 3 miles - hey that's 5K
Just one more week of training before graduation. This was the first time that I actually went over 3 miles, heck it was the first time I went over 2.5 miles. It does look like I will be at the back of the pack, but hey, somebody has to be last.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Week 9 - Take THAT "Criminal Minds" Marathon
So, after procrastinating all day today, Labor Day, and watching a marathon of one of my favorite shows, "Criminal Minds", I managed to put off doing my Homework for the Women's Run/Walk Memphis for today. We did not train together because of the holiday, but are supposed to get in all three of our runs this week, and having to work 4 shifts this week, I really should have run today.....but, Nooooooo! I sat on my tail watching TV.
Well, Austin came in from work, and I asked if he had remembered to stop and get more diet cokes. Of course, he forgot. I then told him that I wished he had been home with me to run earlier, because I was afraid to go out after dark alone.
He then told me that we should walk to Kroger and get the diet cokes, you know.....two birds, one stone. I said "No, Austin, I have been watching Criminal Minds all day, it will be too spooky, scary, creepy, dangerous, dark, icky......" you get the idea. I used every scary adjective I could think of, and him being.....well, him......talked me into going. He said he would "protect me" .....all 107 pounds of him.
So, imagine if you will, it is 10:30 at night, dark outside, thankfully a full moon. I am completely decked out in tech wear, head phones, Map My Run, Pandora Fit radio, money in my pocket, a flash light that was almost as bright as a really dim nurse's pen light and I am ready to go. I look at Austin and he has on pajama pants, flip flops, his cell phone in his hand, pushing a stroller (with which to carry the drinks back, of course). I said, "Austin, you can't go for a run in your flip flops", so he goes to change. Well, long story short, as we are in Kroger, I notice that Austin is BARE FOOTED. I guess he got the part right about you can't wear flip flops.
So, we did finish our run, and we went 3.2 miles in just over an hour. I can't believe we actually went first time completing 5 kilometers and my Austin was with me. I sure do love that boy.
Well, Austin came in from work, and I asked if he had remembered to stop and get more diet cokes. Of course, he forgot. I then told him that I wished he had been home with me to run earlier, because I was afraid to go out after dark alone.
He then told me that we should walk to Kroger and get the diet cokes, you know.....two birds, one stone. I said "No, Austin, I have been watching Criminal Minds all day, it will be too spooky, scary, creepy, dangerous, dark, icky......" you get the idea. I used every scary adjective I could think of, and him being.....well, him......talked me into going. He said he would "protect me" .....all 107 pounds of him.
So, imagine if you will, it is 10:30 at night, dark outside, thankfully a full moon. I am completely decked out in tech wear, head phones, Map My Run, Pandora Fit radio, money in my pocket, a flash light that was almost as bright as a really dim nurse's pen light and I am ready to go. I look at Austin and he has on pajama pants, flip flops, his cell phone in his hand, pushing a stroller (with which to carry the drinks back, of course). I said, "Austin, you can't go for a run in your flip flops", so he goes to change. Well, long story short, as we are in Kroger, I notice that Austin is BARE FOOTED. I guess he got the part right about you can't wear flip flops.
So, we did finish our run, and we went 3.2 miles in just over an hour. I can't believe we actually went first time completing 5 kilometers and my Austin was with me. I sure do love that boy.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Austin and Jessie will be starring in The Drowsy Chaperone
They are so excited to find out today that they were cast in their senior high school production of The Drowsy Chaperone in the spring of 2013. Austin was cast as "Man in Chair" and Jessie was cast as "Drowsy Chaperone". They are excited to have leads in the play. What a way to end their senior year.
Annabeth will be "Behind Bars" for 2 years
Today starts another chapter in Annabeth's life. I guess she is not a baby girl any more after all. She will have braces on until her freshman year in high school. That will be just one more reason for her to look forward to getting into high school. Her band colors are turquoise and lime green.....her signature colors, of course.
Thanks, Uncle Howard, for the joke about being "behind bars". I thought it was funny.
Thanks, Uncle Howard, for the joke about being "behind bars". I thought it was funny.
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