Just our family

Just our family

More like the REAL us

More like the REAL us

Always Laughing

Always Laughing
My photo
I am a wife and mother of three great kids, Sarah, Austin and Annabeth. Mimi to three sweet grandsons, Noah and Hunter, and Dallas. I am a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit of a large inner city hospital. So, sit back and relax, this is the story of our family.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 9 - Take THAT "Criminal Minds" Marathon

So, after procrastinating all day today, Labor Day, and watching a marathon of one of my favorite shows, "Criminal Minds", I managed to put off doing my Homework for the Women's Run/Walk Memphis for today.  We did not train together because of the holiday, but are supposed to get in all three of our runs this week, and having to work 4 shifts this week, I really should have run today.....but, Nooooooo! I sat on my tail watching TV.

Well, Austin came in from work, and I asked if he had remembered to stop and get more diet cokes.  Of course, he forgot.  I then told him that I wished he had been home with me to run earlier, because I was afraid to go out after dark alone. 

He then told me that we should walk to Kroger and get the diet cokes, you know.....two birds, one stone.  I said "No, Austin, I have been watching Criminal Minds all day, it will be too spooky, scary, creepy, dangerous, dark, icky......" you get the idea.  I used every scary adjective I could think of, and him being.....well, him......talked me into going.  He said he would "protect me" .....all 107 pounds of him.

So, imagine if you will, it is 10:30 at night, dark outside, thankfully a full moon.  I am completely decked out in tech wear, head phones, Map My Run, Pandora Fit radio, money in my pocket, a flash light that was almost as bright as a really dim nurse's pen light and I am ready to go.  I look at Austin and he has on pajama pants, flip flops, his cell phone in his hand, pushing a stroller (with which to carry the drinks back, of course).  I said, "Austin, you can't go for a run in your flip flops", so he goes to change.  Well, long story short, as we are in Kroger, I notice that Austin is BARE FOOTED.  I guess he got the part right about you can't wear flip flops. 

So, we did finish our run, and we went 3.2 miles in just over an  hour.  I can't believe we actually went 5K......my first time completing 5 kilometers and my Austin was with me.  I sure do love that boy.

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