Just our family

Just our family

More like the REAL us

More like the REAL us

Always Laughing

Always Laughing
My photo
I am a wife and mother of three great kids, Sarah, Austin and Annabeth. Mimi to three sweet grandsons, Noah and Hunter, and Dallas. I am a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit of a large inner city hospital. So, sit back and relax, this is the story of our family.

Friday, August 12, 2016

New Clothes

I have REALLY struggled the past few weeks, up - down - maintain. At todays WI, I was up - AGAIN!!!! Ughh! I decided that instead of getting down on myself, that I would look at how far I have come and i WILL finish this journey. I decided to take the birthday money daddy gave me and pick up some clothes and scrubs that actually fit. I was amazed at the size :O) It seems funny to reward myself on a week that I had a gain, but really what I am trying to do is get my head back in the game. I am not a failure because I have struggled the past few weeks. I am totally worth it. I have rocked it for almost 9 months and it is time to push myself back where I know I need to be. This is me in December 2015 and then today. Down 60 pounds.

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