I went with Sarah today to the doctor and we heard the baby's heart beating. It was so sweet.....just to see her face light up when she heard it....I remember those times so well. She is so much like me, she just wants someone to love and to love her unconditionally. So many times I have tried to keep her from making the mistakes that I made, but then I guess, you learn from your OWN mistakes. Maybe now she will be on the right track. A baby is a big responsibility, but it will be good for her. Someone to love and care for.
The big debate at our house is what my grandmother name will be............We were always going to be Peepaw and Meemaw......but that was when I thought I would be an old lady when I had grand kids. Now that it is happening and I am so young (yea right), I am wanting something a little younger sounding. A friend mentioned "Honey" it is a new southern nickname and I love it, I mentioned it to Big D and he shot it down when I mentioned that I could be "Honey" and he could be "Pooh". Austin thinks I act like a "Madea". I thought maybe we could compromise and I could be "Mimi", but Sarah said that reminded her of the lady on the Drew Carey show with big blue/green eye shadow. So any ideas????
I guess I will go for now............Dwayne is watching American Idol and I guess I will get ready for work tomorrow.